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F: \\Foundation_Files\\Department\\Research\\Research Personnel\\Personnel_Files\\Yui_Me\\[Hackable]


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Name: Yui Me
Rank: Senior Researcher
Origin: Canada
Family: Yes
Age: 90
Blood Type: O-
Motto: "
There Cannot Be Any Change Without Sacrifice, What Are You Willing To Sacrifice To Obtain That Change?"
Photo: (Soon To Come)

How Yui Me Ended Up In The SCP Foundation:
Yui Me was born in Canada, where he had always been the curious type. Throughout his academic career he was at the top of his class, which led Yui Me to pursue a career in science and psychology. Yui Me had always felt there was something missing in his life, he had always been able to do anything but something was missing. Yui Me felt he was suffering everyday until he was in his 30s where he was introduced to SCP Foundation. He was invited as a researcher and found what was missing in his life, it was the ability to dig deeper into life forms we've never encountered before. Yui Me had slowly began learning more life forms and eventually pushed higher up the ranks in the research department before being sent off to another site where he could truly research more intriguing anomalies. Yui Me slowly was being consumed by insanity until he figured it out, his aptitude to be able to do what others couldn't made him special. Yui Me believes that he was born for this job and was guided to it throughout his life. Yui Me now dedicates his life to the research of anomalies, psychology of the human mind, and the engineering of new technology to push the human race further ahead than ever before.

Notes About The Personnel:
This personnel may be old, but they seem to be more than capable of continue working at the facility despite their age, their mind seems to be well intact. Regardless of their old age, they're still as strong as they were when they were younger.

Science - Science had led me to become what I am today, I could never possibly think I'd be so talented without it.
Cats - I just love cats, they're so cool to have, some may think they hate us, but they're fools without a mind of their own.
Elijah J - He's my favourite Therapist, always knows what to do.

Tea - It's relaxing to have and I believe it brings peace to my mind when times are tough.
Medical - To think that they have the ability to work on the human body and understand it fully, it's thrilling to think what we could possibly do to evolve the human body and enhance it technologically.
Mac and Cheese - It's truly a delicate work of art, the cheesy goodness mixed with the macaroni, the cheese melting onto it is such a work of art.
'Magnet' - Always checking in on me, awesome medical personnel.

Coffee - It's not bad, but I don't think I'd drink it too often
Chaos Insurgency - They haven't really done all too much to irritate me, but they do seem to be hostile towards the entirety of foundation.
Goats - I do enjoy seeing goats, but something about the goats around this facility is truly something else, the fact they can use weapons is astonishing.
The Layout of the facility - The layout is such a maze to traverse and not very concise, I think it's intentionally done like that, but it makes learning the facility a pain in the !$?@

D-Class - They Stabbed me once, didn't appreciate that, I had to get the wound stitched.

Being Told I Should Retire - I rather die in this facility than give up my only purpose in life
Age - It's such a curse to us all, slowly draining us away from our life

My Goals:
I plan to rank higher up in the research department, and intend to display my dedication to the facility by aiming for the top. My goals are High, but little by little I will push towards them hoping one day I'll be able to achieve them and lead this facility into a new era of technological advancements and knowledge on our anomalies.

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Senior Researcher

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