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Lillian 035 Application

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  1. How many SCPs have you applied for and gotten Accepted? 0
    1. If you put [4], which SCP whitelist would you like to swap with this one if the Application is accepted? (Ignore if less than 4):
  2. Which SCP are you applying for?: SCP-035
  3. Give a detailed description of this SCP in YOUR OWN WORDS (100 Words MINIMUM): SCP 035 is a mask that was found in a abandoned city what it can do is it will make people hear random voices trying to make them out the mask on and when they put the mask on 035 becomes in full control the host will have to listen to everything the mask says to do no matter what or their life will be on the line they are best friends with another SCP other known as SCP 049 they will go and do everything together they want to help each other as much as they can so they will go around trying to breach the facility and talk about their past and take care of anyone who gets in their way.
  4. What Object Class is this SCP?: Keter
  5. How is this SCP maintained on our Server?: The way he is maintained is people come into the CC and clean the acid and it takes 5 minutes
  6. How does this SCP breach on our Server?: will breach automaticity or if someone gets to close
  7. How is this SCP re-contained on our Server?: it is contained with first killing the host and then trying to get 035 into a box
  8. What does this SCP do while breached?: it will try to either escape or get 049 then escape out with his friend
  9. Does this SCP fear for its life?: IDK it doesnt say
  10. Can this SCP open doors?: True
  11. Can this SCP breach other SCPs? If so, what are the rules regarding it?: True it can only breach SCP 049
  12. Can this SCP be killed? If so, how?: The Host can but the SCP cant and killed by gun fire
  13. After getting contained as an SCP, what do you HAVE to do?: you have to get off the job for 5 minutes if no one else gets on for 5 minutes you can get back on

  1. Have you ever been removed from this Job? (If so, please explain why?): no
  2. What is a "/me"? Please give an example: a /me is you pretty much do /me punches you
  3. If someone performs a "/me" against you, what do you do?: you have to act along with a roll depending on what it is
  4. What is a "/roll"? Please give an example: a /roll is a act of doing a rp action in the game like /me punches you and then you will do /roll and whoever gets the highest wins
  5. What is RDM? Please give an example: RDM is pretty much random death match killing someone for no reason
  6. What is NLR? Please give an example: NLR is new life rule if you die you cant leave your place until NLR is up
  7. What is FearRP? Please give an example: FearRP is if you have like 3+ guns pointing at you or something like that you have to fear for your life
  8. When a staff member tells you to get off the job, will you listen to them? (Yes / No): yes
  9. Do you understand that the goal of playing any SCP is to roleplay, not get kills whenever you can? (Yes / No): yes

  1. What is the date? (DD/MM/YYYY):15/04/2024
  2. What is your Discord name and Discord ID?: Lillian, 765659153237671987
  3. What is your in-game name?: Charlotte Ash
  4. What is your SteamID?: 76561198805469694
  5. How many hours do you have in GMod, and how long do you think you've played on the server?: 3,777 hours and i have been apart of AU for a lot of years maybe like 5 now?
  6. What other characters do you actively play as?: I only play as Charlotte ash NTF
  7. Please list ALL of your warns and/or Bans: N/A
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