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F:\\Foundation_Files\\Personnel\\Research_Agency\\ John_Thomas [Hackable Lv4]

John Thomas

Reaction score
This is file is clearance of [Lv4-1]

Personnel Information:
Name: John Thomas
Rank: Shield SPEC LEAD
Clearance Level: LV4
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 2,1999
Place of Birth: [REDCATED]
Ethnicity: White
Height: 6,2
Weight: 230 lbs.
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: BROWN

Character History:
John was born on May 2, 1999, he was a very big kid growing up, and was always fond of playing football, but growing up from a poor family, it was tough for him to fit in. It was weird it always did seem like someone was looking after him, but at the same time then just forgetting. He had fought many battles in his own body, but at the end of the day the family couldn’t afford his [REDCATED], so at 18 he had joined the US army, and at the age of 24, had became one of the Green Berets, he had severed in tell he was 27, then he had found [REDCATED], not knowing what it was he was trying to look for answers, then [REDCATED] [REDCATED] found him and offered him a job. Now works as a RA, still trying to piece it all together. Later to find out that he had saw SCP-186

—------------------------ Personal opinions—-----------------------
-working out
-Bike Rides

—---------------------People/Branch Opinions—---------------------
-Dr. Halliday: He is a chill dude, always know what's to do
-Jeff gold: Helped, teaches, and promoted me, without him i would not be here
-Dr. Van Gogh: He is a little bit of a goober, always has some beef
-SCP 682: when he is passive, he a chill dude, just don't like the blood
IST: some of them can be very annoying, but some of them are really nice to work with

--------Character Unique Items---------
Green Beret badge