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[ACCEPTED] Silverhand [RP Request]

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Player Info

Name: Andrew Kurtz (Silverhand)

Discord (Your Default Username): GMAN0289

Steam ID (Found Here): 76561197960287930

Current Faction & Branch: Foundation | GENSEC/Quartermaster

Rank Held (RP): SGM

Do you currently have a DCB? (If not please make one before submitting this application. Depending whether or not your application gets accepted, you will need to add these traits to it.): Yes

RP Application Questionnaire

Please give an overview of what your RP application entails (200 words): The basic overview would be including Silverhand's past and the skills he gained in his past before joining the Foundation. Silverhand would be heavily modified to the point where he would have his right arm replaced and his head containing both bio chip implants as well as a neural connection port. This would allow him to access computers and other tech by connecting to it rather then using it physically. These traits would not be used to gain a specific advantage over rolls, but instead would allow him to partake in Cybernetic enhancement surgeries and hacking.

Silverhand was once a member of MC&D where he would initially be apart of the security detail at many of the underground clubs/black markets run by the MC&D. During his time he would be injured by an attack on one of MC&D's locations resulting him losing his right arm and his head. Silverhand was in luck though as he would get most of his body repaired with enhanced and cutting edge cybernetic tech, but at the cost of him being signed into servitude with MC&D. He would eventually buy himself out of servitude with the skills he developed which include cybernetic enhancement surgery, hacking skills, and general combat prowess.

If this application gets accepted, how can you see this RP benefiting your growth? (100 Words): This RP would be beneficial to Silverhand as there are many scenarios where Foundation personnel may run into a sever lack of limbs and other useful bodily functions. With his advanced knowledge of cybernetic enhancement and connections the the anomalous underworld Silverhand would be able to acquire more exotic cybernetics and have the skill to properly install them. His connection to the anomalous underworld would allow for more character building on Silverhands part Additionally his ability to interface with tech on another level can help when encountering technical issues including counter hacking and being able to initiate hacks on other entities. (Note that the hacking would not give any roll advantage and is more for RP then hacking into files)

If this application gets accepted, how can you use this RP to benefit other players’ characters in the server? (100 Words): If this were to get accepted this would allow for unique interactions that Silverhand could have with other personnel on site. These interactions would have to do with technical, exotic item requests, and being able to assist in the installation and maintenance of cybernetics. I would also be able to offer more lucrative services to both Research and medical when it comes to ordering exotic materials that the Foundation wouldn't normally issue or approve to issue to the site. Research would gain the ability to order exotic cybernetic parts from the black market or equipment, Medical would have another party to go to when requesting cybernetics rather then research, and the rest of the site would benefit as they would also have access to order black market items.

TLDR of the Request: Having lore with MC&D, Being able to order black market items/cybernetics (On Quartermaster), having the knowledge to install enhanced cybernetics, and having advanced knowledge of technology.
Note: Only the following aspects are accepted, the MC&D background (does not allow you to hack) & the exotic cybernetic (which does not give you advantages)
Consider these aspects denied:
-The Hacking
-The ability to deal with cybernetics
-The Neuron-link
-And everything that is not listed under accepted
MGMT reserves themself the right to reverse this decision at any point in time.

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