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F:\\Foundation_Files\\Combat_Medic\\ Misery [Hackable]


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Unknown: I understand you had some connections to 'Doe', Is that right?
Misery: Uh huh! Wonderful guy! Always showed up to work on time! He was very good at his last job as SA!
Unknown: Do you understand why you're here?
Misery: Job interview! For medical NCO! Right?
Unknown: Has nobody told them what happene-

INTERVIEW:[About personnel] loaded!
Unknown: If you wouldn't mind speaking into the microphone for this one that would be great.
Misery: Oh! Of course! ...What am I suppose to say again...?
Unknown: Just tell us about yourself and your connections with 'Doe'.
Misery: Right! Uh hello to anyone listening to this tape! My names Theodore Rosy. You can call me Misery though! As I was made aware earlier of my past friend's actions I sincerely apologize for those who were affected by this. I was thinking about bringing baked goods when I come to site but I understand how that may cause some issues!
Unknown: Focus please.
Misery: Right! Sorry! I was related to 'Doe' because he was a close friend. We grew up together. He was always inspired by doing the right thing, Showing justice to the places that needed it the most. Me? I was inspired to see the good in everything! I refuse to search for the bad in life. This is what makes me the better choice for this position more then 'Doe' ever could fulfill. He spoke plenty about you lot! I am more then excited to meeting quite of few of you.
Unknown: Tell us more about you and your personality.
Misery: I would consider myself a "happy go lucky" person, I think I see the good in everyone and everything that happens to me! I would also consider myself more of the feminine type I guess you can say...
Unknown: So you are transgendered?
Misery: You can call me what you want! However I guess you can say something along those lines?
Unknown: Uh huh. You are aware we will do an extensive background check on you?
Misery: Uh huh!

INTEVIEW:[About personnel] Finished! Would you like to know more?
Yes \ No

Extensive summary of Misery
Misery displays signs of elitism towards others. This is very subtle but after extensive investigation we have confirmed that it is there. People are to be aware of this and if she makes any actions due to this elitism all you have to do is point it out to her. She is very sensitive in nature. she pushes all the negativity down and refuse to believe the world has anything bad in it. This has led to some trauma being involved in her life as well as anxiety. As all humans do we hold some deep harboring desires and Misery does as well. by all means she has no intent of harm however her desires are a little bit along the lines of popularity.
She's had a perfectly fine childhood, her father left her when she was 6 and her mother was a single parent, Her mother took good care of her as a child and she went on to join the marine Corp as a combat medic. The exact thing she's doing now. Nothing special here pals.

