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F:\\Foundation_Files\\Personel\\General_Security_Department\\General_Security_Sergeant_Major\\Hal 'Horizon' Perse\\ [Hackable L3 Clearance]

Fallen Valor 737

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> Accessing Foundation Servers.
> Encryption Key Activating.
> Searching for: ‘Horizon’
Searching. . .
Searching. . .
Searching. . .

> File is not found.
> Critical Error Encountered.
> Rebooting System.

> Clearing Connection Cache.
> System Reboot Beginning.
> Verifying Clearance Level.
> Clearance Level Verified.
> Verifying System Integrity.
> Loading Core Modules.
Loading. . .
> Complete.

> Authenticating User Credentials.
> Decrypting Data Bank.
> Finalizing Boot-up Sequence.
> Operational Status: Online.
> Scanning File Database for ‘Horizon’.
Searching. . .
Searching. . .
Searching. . .
> File found.
> Opening File.


“There’s always something new to explore. We’ll explore it together, until the last Horizon falls.”

Level 3-VI Clearance required. Unauthorized entry to encrypted documents will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the General Security Department’s authority.

Codename: Horizon
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Department: General Security (GENSEC)
Rank: General Security (GENSEC) Sergeant Major
Status: Deployed, Site 68

Medical and Personal Information

Name: Hal Peres
Birth Date: 07-14-2001 0337 Hours.
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 216 lbs
Blood Type: B+
Eye Color: Steel Grey
Notable Features: A large burn scar that covers his upper back

Character Backstory (Childhood)

Coming at a later date (I do not have the brain space to write this right now)

CYoung adulthood

Hal’s young adulthood was characterized by a heavy sense of responsibility. His family was nearly destitute. With 3 younger siblings and parents who could barely function due to crippling alchoholism, Hal was responsible for everything. What more normal adults spent on parties and college, Hal spent working for survival. One of the few escapes he had was through his dedication to Airsoft. Hal was a remarkable shot, and always had been. Dependable in both accuracy and composure, Hal kept his calm in every situation. Where other players would freak out and begin to panic, Hal was easily able to regain control of the situation and deal with it quickly and efficiently.

This culminated in the fire.

On 08-19-2020, Hal returned home from work to find the building in flames. Just earlier that year, Hal and his family has moved to a new location. Their new home was located at “██████, ██”. Unknowingly, they had moved next to Site ██. Hal’s entire family was inside. He could not help them, but he could hear them. He could hear every scream. Hal, whose composure was normally so steady, was inconsolable. He had arrived too late to do anything. By the time he had arrived home, the building had already begun collapsing. Hal fell into a deep state of despair, the next few days passed in a blur. Eventually he began to wonder. Why had he not been alerted of the fire? Not only should his neighbors have seen and called for help, but he had sensors that would have caught it and notified him. He began to become curious, and swore to get to the bottom of what he believed to be a deliberate attack.

Over the next few days, other fires begun springing up. They were unnaturally hot, burned remarkably quickly, and had no clear source. Others simply thought it was a coincidence. Hal was more skeptical. He began to hear untraceable tales of people who saw an entity in the fires. Stoking them, as if adding fuel to the flames. Hal began analyzing the fires, and found a potential path they seemed to be moving along. He waited at the next target, prepared to see if he had been right. What Hal saw was a man wreathed in flames walk all the way to the building. He then touched the door and watched as the entire building burned to the ground. Hal was in shock. This was not what he had expected.

The rest of his memory has since been amnesticized. Hal was later approached by the Foundation and offered a position in their General Security branch for his remarkable characteristics and notable character traits.

The General Security Devision

Hal was initially trained by Gensec Sergeant Art Sigma, with whom he formed an impressive bond. In the first few days of being on the job, Hal met and began to get involved with other members of the team including Jenifer Löwe, Stan Comic, Dean McNeil, Chern Naga, and Kyle Harpy. Foremost of these was still Art. He quickly became a mentor and a personal friend of Hal. When the defections happened, Hal was unaware. In fact, he did not know about them until he realized he recognized a voice during a CI raid. After that he began talking with Art and discovered the ugly truth.

Hal has since realized the origin of the fire that killed his family, and harbors both a deep hatred and fear for SCP-457.

A lot has happened in the past month. Hal has made a lot of connections and met many new people. His position as Sergeant Major is making life both more difficult and more rewarding. As he begins to take the reins of the NCO core, he is beginning to see the many spider webs that the foundation has been hiding.

Though he can be strict, Hal strives to be an honest and trustworthy leader. He wants everyone around him to feel cared for and respected as they deserve. Hal refers to his more strict disposition as his alter ego: Sir Yells-A-Lot.

In recent weeks, Hal is beginning to undergo extreme mental distress. He has been working on remembering his past, the part that was taken from him as the house burned down. Many parts of this event were wiped from his mind by Foundation, but its effects seem to be wearing off. He has begun to have moments in which he cannot feel. These times generally coincide with moments where he is left alone, away from those he wishes to protect. The most notable part of these fits is that he is unable to feel most emotions.

Hal tends to mirror the feelings and emotions of those near him, and so is left empty when those he loves are not around. The only emotion he seems to be able to connect with is hatred. This hatred seems to stem from feeling helpless. Hal has described it as: “A cold pit. Not the fire of anger, but more like a glacier that sits in my heart, fending off the heat. I can feel it as it slowly consumes my warmth. Oh god it’s cold.” Rather than seeming to grow cold, after saying this he began sweating profusely, and his face and hands grew quite red. I believe this may be caused by a strange combination of stress and anger.

I will be making a list of the people he wants to be around as time goes on. At the moment the only name I have been given is:

Kyle ‘Citadel’ Harpy - “I need my best friend. Where is he? Why is he gone? Is he ok?”

After saying this he devolved into unintelligible murmuring until he was given a chair in a populated area. He named it his “crying chair”. I believe he has convinced himself that when people fail him, he can gain comfort from objects. Upon sitting in the chair he grew quiet and content. He waited here until ’Citadel’ was found and brought to him.

It is my opinion that
Hal takes the protection of his loved ones as a responsibility worth more than his own life. The death of Steadfast seems to have cracked an already breaking facade. It may only be a matter of time until he shows other signs of this mental breakdown. I will be doing further research and testing on him as time goes on.

-Dr. Poros

Opinions on People and Subjects​


CI: “What you have done and do every day causes more pain then 457 has in a lifetime. That alone makes you worthy of nothing but a one way trip to hell.”
SCP-457: “This fucker is the worst. I hate him with everything I am. He took my family from me, and for that I hope we find a way to end him once and for all.”


Jenifer ‘Canary’ Löwe: “Personally, I thought you were great. I looked up to you as much as to Art. When I learned what happened, I tried to forgive you. What you did. But then you came and killed my brothers. Maybe I just don’t understand. I hope I don’t. What you did to him destroyed him. You destroyed us. Fuck you and everything you stand for, I will see you dead if it’s the last thing I do. For his sake, not mine. Never mine.”


Akatosh: “I’ve seen the bad, but I’ve also seen the good. It’s a damn shame what happened, and I hope against all hope that no one else follows suit.”


Orson Smith: “What can I say, good man, good morals, good person.”
Autumn Graves: “Keep up the awesome work man, you learn more every time I see you.”
“I heard what happened. I miss you man.”

Stan Comic: “What a guy. I love this man!”
Texas: “It’s a rare day when I find someone I can respect, but also genuinely trust. I’ve disagreed with you before, but I can always trust the process.”
Birdie: “I know what they say about you. I think they’re wrong. There’s just something about the way you carry yourself, I know there’s something more than meets the eye. You know what I think, and the offer will always stand.”


‘Steadfast’: “I don’t believe that they say you did. I can’t believe you would do something like this. For Art’s sake, I will get to the bottom of this.”
Keag Johnson: “Absolutely hilarious! You’re perfect in almost every situation, whether we’re getting a drink on surface or manning the gate. You keep me entertained.”
Sage ‘Reprisal’ Lance
: “Your leadership qualities are second to almost none. Thank you for your trust. I will not let you down.”


Art ‘Diabolical’ Sigma: “You have been there for me every step of the way. I would do anything to keep you and yours safe. I did it for my family, I’ll do it for you. Scars and blood are a low cost. I will follow you to the gates of hell, and be the first one to jump should you ask. Don’t worry, I’ll get her.”
Stevie Mixx: “Stevie is one of those I trust the most. Having watched him as he grows into this branch, I hold a special level of pride in him. I will protect you, always. Good god son, you deserve the world.”
Citadel: “I’ve learned that trust is a rare thing in this world. I must be among the most lucky to have someone like you by my side. I look up to you on the field and off. Though I will say, you let me boss you around quite a bit!”

Personal Items and Objects of Importance:

An antique looking glass given to him by his grandfather, after whom he was named, just before his death. Grandpa Hal named it ‘The Eyepiece’ and gave it to him with the words “That you may always be able to see the furthest horizon. Never stop chasing that final frontier. I’ll be waiting for you there.” These were grandpa Hal’s last words.
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// This goes hardddddddddd, well written backstory too honestly if I could clap over a forum I'd give you a round of applause.

A massive update!​

This update contains a spoiler that gives insight to the next chapter of Hal’s life. If you want to be surprised, don’t read what was written by Doctor Poros. (One of my other characters, so it’s all accurate)

I also added a new section to Opinions on People called Friends. This let me separate the previous list of “Brothers” into a more accurate assessment of his irp opinions.