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<< == -- PERSONNEL FILE - Ace Sol -- == >>

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Full Name (Last, First)Sol, Ace
Place of Birth (POB)-
Date of Birth (POB)May 24th, - - - -

<< Foundation Information >>

Date of HireApril 20th, 2024
Division / BranchMedical
PositionMedical Attending
StatusActive & Alive
Clearance LevelLevel 4 - IV





<< Family Background >>

Mother (1)Iris Sol - Alive
Mother (2)Calaista Sol - Alive
Sibling (s)None
Marital StatusSingle

<< History Recorded >>

Early Life

Ace Sol was born with strikingly unique features: white-silver hair, grey eyes, and cream-white skin, traits of albinism. Found abandoned at the gates of an orphanage in a small town, she was adopted by a loving couple, Iris and Caliasta Sol, when she was just a few months old. The Sols provided a nurturing and accepting home, embracing Ace's distinctive appearance and fostering her individuality. Iris, a botanist, and Caliasta, a painter, encouraged her to explore the world and express herself freely.

Ace grew up in an environment filled with creativity and knowledge. She was a brilliant child, excelling in academics and showing a natural affinity for teaching. She pursued a degree in education and became a beloved teacher, known for her energetic and captivating teaching style. Her students adored her, and she was respected by her colleagues for her dedication and innovative methods.

Descent into Darkness

Despite her outward charm and success, Ace harbored deep-seated insecurities and a craving for control. Her relationships, though passionate, often ended disastrously. Her first partner, whom she met during her college years, wanted to rush their relationship. Feeling pressured and overwhelmed, Ace snapped, murdering him in a fit of rage. She dismembered his body, serving parts of him as meat buns to his unsuspecting family under the guise of a farewell gift.

The thrill of her first murder awakened a dark part of Ace's psyche. Her second partner's infidelity ignited a similar response. Ace discovered his betrayal and meticulously planned his demise. The grisly act was executed with cold precision, and once again, she offered his remains as meat buns to his family, relishing the macabre deception.

Her third significant other, whom she simply grew bored of, became her next target. However, this time her plan unraveled. He sensed her increasing detachment and managed to escape her clutches, alerting the authorities. Ace was apprehended, and her gruesome crimes came to light. In addition to her murders, an investigation revealed that she had also been committing tax evasion, further compounding her legal troubles.

Incarceration and Recruitment

Ace's trial was a media sensation, her calm and alluring demeanor a stark contrast to the heinousness of her actions. She was sentenced to life imprisonment and transferred to Site-86 in Egypt, a high-security facility known for housing the most dangerous criminals. At Site-86, Ace was designated as a D-Class, and subjected to various experiments and menial tasks.

Despite the oppressive environment, Ace's intelligence caught the attention of the site's medical. Recognizing her potential, they offered her a position in the medical department. Ace thrived in her new role, using her knowledge and adaptability to climb the ranks quickly. Her transformation from a prisoner to a valuable member of the medical team was nothing short of remarkable.

Rise in the Ranks

Ace's journey did not stop at the medical department. Her strategic mind and combat skills earned her a place in the site's combative unit. She proved to be a formidable asset, her ability to remain calm under pressure and her tactical acumen setting her apart. Her colleagues found her presence both calming and exhilarating, a blend of qualities that made her a natural leader.

In time, Ace became a prominent figure at Site-86, her past overshadowed by her contributions to the facility. However, the darkness within her remained, a reminder of the atrocities she once committed. Her energetic and alluring personality continued to mask the complexity of her character, a captivating enigma to those around her.





<< General Information >>

Full Name (Last, First)Sol, Ace
Date of Birth (DOB)05/24/----
Blood TypeO+
AllergiesKetamine, Coconut, Aluminum

<< Physical Appearance Information >>

Hair ColorSilver-White
Eye ColorGrey
Skin ToneCream-White
Height5'3", 160 cm
Noticeable Feature/DetailsMiss Sol has several scars on her right leg and a serpent tattoo on her right arm.
Recently she got a Mark of Sacrifice on her left hand.
A Mark of the Lovers wrapped around her left wrist below the Mark of Sacrifice.
A Mark of the Sands on her left shoulder.
A Mark of the Seer on her left palm.
She is seen wearing an eyepatch over her left eye.

<< Noted Injuries >>

  • Bullet Wound (Open Aruttoscopic) - Miss Sol was brought into OR2 to be operated on. Due to her allergy to Ketamine, she was awake for the whole operation. She assisted the surgeons in the OR on what to do. The surgeons kept messing up with the incision, worsening her leg and causing her leg to be wide open. The surgeons also couldn't grasp onto the bullets for extraction which led to blood vessels opening.
  • Left Eye Transfer - Miss Sol was kidnapped and experimented on. From what was told to her, she was strapped down on some sort of device. They took her left eye to give her a golden cat-like eye that allowed her to see in the dark. The only known issue is she is sensitive to lighting, which is why she is seen wearing an eyepatch.

<< Diagnosis >>

  • Sleep Walking (Somnambulism) - "Did you know she stares at people sleeping? And then if you interact with her she runs off?" said Dr. FlashDrive.





<< Loves >>

  • Medical - "Medical is the best! Everyone has such an interesting personality."

<< Likes >>

  • 'FlashDrive' - "Very understanding! Quick to resolve issues."
  • Steadfast / Elijah Jones - "He is awesome! Always caring about the opinions of everyone around him."
  • Dr. Longhart - "His knowledge brings me joy! I know I can rely on him in surgery."
  • 'Phoenix' - "Wild personality and unpredictable for me. But he is a good leader!"
  • 'Lilac' - "Very helpful! I get excited when I see her around! Easy to talk to!"
  • NTF - "They give me a box every time I see them! I love that!"
  • 'Deimos' - "He picked me up. He is protective and supportive, I appreciate him!"
  • Dr. Colt Winchester - "We went to college together. He is creative and I envied his creativity..."
  • 'Hades' - "He tries to intimidate me but fails. He is sweeter than he puts on."
  • 'Manifest' - "You are the best! I know I can rely on you if I need any assistance.
  • 'Diplomat' - "You are strange, always so sweet to me even though you're CI."
  • 'Gigabyte' - "You are amazing at cooking! I love the food you've made ESPECIALLY when you made food for my birthday!"
  • 'DDoS' - "You're funny even though you're dyslexic. Always wanting "ice cream" that isn't ice cream."
  • Felix Winters/'Cypher' - "You came out of nowhere and have saved multiple relations... What are you?"
  • 'Ouch'/Elliot - "You were there for me for a long time! Allowing me to jump on your back!"
  • 'Halliday' - "My favorite! I wish we talked longer and I wasn't dragged away every time."

<< Neutral / Mixed >>

  • Director Akatosh - "He runs away often, especially during a conversation. He does call me short all the time."
  • Joey Silos - "He lied to me once. But cool and helpful!"
  • E6 - "Always something happening to them. . . I've seen them in the OR more than anyone."
  • GENSEC - "They are either here or not. Though they are helpful."
  • RA / Researchers - "I got to talk to them more and they are fun!"
  • CI - "Something isn't right... I don't know what it is though."
  • SCPs - "Questionable."
  • MU-4 - "They are cool! A few steal, some try to intimidate, and others are clumsy."
  • Site Command - "I only have seen them bark at each other or directing orders." "From interactions, interesting."
  • Dr. Hunte - "She is funny, yet scares me sometimes. . ."
  • 'Tesla' - "You remind me of someone... I cannot think who."
  • 'Crota' - "Are you prone to injuries? It is okay because I'm here to help!"
  • Jennifer/'Canary' - "Even though you defected, you are still amazing. I wish we talked more when you were in Foundation..."
  • 'Steadfast' - "You risk everyone's life, forgetting your position as OUR site command."

<< Dislikes >>

  • D-Class - "They insult me for my height and always try to riot. They also failed to keep me as a hostage."
  • SCP-076-02 - "He scares me and unpredictable. I was given eyes. . ."
  • SCP 397 - "She always has a gun and causes trouble."

<< Hates >>

  • Arm Stealers in CI - "Stop stealing arms! And don't steal other limbs. . ."
  • SCP-947-ATL - "Out of everyone in the crowd, he always comes for me first. I'm starting to think he has a grudge for me. . ."





<< Loves >>

  • MEAT BUNS!!!
  • Snakes!

<< Likes >>

  • Music
  • Novels
  • Spiders
  • Cats
  • Surgery
  • Horror
  • Mixology

<< Neutral / Mixed >>

  • Interrogations
  • Negotiations
  • Kidnappings
  • Therapy
  • Psychology

<< Dislikes >>

  • Roaches
  • Giants
  • Loud Sounds

<< Hates >>

  • War





MEDICAL 1LT Elijah Jones - Paradox
E6 Matt Axel Smith - Tex
RESEARCHER HOR Halliday - Halliday
E6 Valk Schener - Valk
MEDICAL DOCTOR Longhart - Longhart
SPIRE Diplomat - Diplomat
SD Akatosh - Akatosh
NTF 1SG Matthias Grim - Grim
E6 2LT Lua - Lua
(Honestly Forgot Who Else)





  • A Bunny Necklace - Was given to her as a gift, though she is unsure how to feel about it.
  • Mask of Truth - Got it after the pharoah event, scared to even have this.
  • An Amulet - It was given to her by Felix Winters, unable to be removed.
  • Box Free Pass - She is allowed to have a box whenever she wants. Made by her.
  • A Ring of Persuasion - She wears this on her right index finger. Only works on NPCs when on quests from the adventurer guild.
  • A Ring of Intelligence - This was given to her by Carl. She wears this on her left index finger.
Last edited:
// Updated Noticeable features, Opinions, and Personal Comms
// Updated OOC comms, NTF opinion. Also added IC Diagnosis, which was recently found out.
// I love the use of the charts and stuff to format it.
// Added personal items, updated clearance/job, edited codename, forgot who I got comms for :D
// Added quite a few people to my personal opinions. (If you want on it, tell me. I am forgetful of who to add.)