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F:\\Foundation_Files\\Personnel\\Research Agents\\Research Lieutenant\\L4 Hackable\\

[JA] Ender [SCP]

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Code Name (If Applicable): Nebula

Full Name: Stephano Blanchi

Department: Research

Rank: First Lieutenant

Character Description: Stephano Blanchi, Research Agent, is a operative within the SCP Foundation, And he is very tall lad and he is currently the first lieutenant inside of reseach and he is 6' 3" and is a very high skilled Agent and is known for his sharpshooting and very calm like behavior also he his backround has been rooted into the sciences like biology and Physics and has gotten masters in both which he worked in learning new creature that have been out there which drew his attention to the foundation.

Character Impactful Events:
Hired into the foundation

Character Opinions:


049 and 035 also 682 he hates these guys with a passion they have tried to kill him so many times he is getting tired with them.
Pickles - taste likes bitter cucumber so like whats the point of them.


Cigars loves the taste and love one after a long day

Thoughts on People:
Nebula would not like to disclose his thoughts on people

Character Unique Items:
Has a 4 leaf Clover on his shirt under his gear

Has Dog Tags from Mirage